No surprise type of final episode - Kenichiro and Narumi ended up together, and...well, to some very foreign country (Algeria I think it is) to start a new life. But first of all let's step back to end of last episode...
A call from Kenichiro's sister Nami reporting Narumi is in dangerous situation put him in a very difficult situation - he has to make a decision now about work or about the new family. In the end he chose family over work and rushed to the hospital to see Narumi. Satou Ryuta has played well here about the indecision when he took the call.
And that's one of the things I like about this drama, it's not overly complicated at all. Characters are set to be consistent (except Narumi) to the stage what the characters are thinking are conveyed to the audience. Well, at least most of the time.
So, with
And then on the work side of things, Kenichiro faces Dr Azuma...well not quite, Ishizaka Kouji is playing the MD (Managing Director) of Frontier Constructions this time. And he is planning to bribe some political personnel in order to ensure Frontier wins over the project.
And as you can guess it, our very-straight-from-EP1-protagonist is deeply against this action. With his guts he took it all the way to the MD himself, asking him to reconsider the whole thing.
Standing from idealistic point of view, Kenichiro insists on fair play policy and strongly rejects any undertable deals. He has no complaint even if he loses this way as he has tried his best.
But standing from MD's point of view he needs to be responsible for all employee and their family, therefore the consequence of losing is a huge price to pay, especially when the setting of the drama is during global financial crisis. One mistake could lead to a number of families starving as the company has to retrench people. No doubt the MD wants to obtain this project by all means, even if it means to bribe to win.
Unfortunately the way MD takes action here is quite common in the real world. In fact, just like reflecting the real world, Global Constructions got the project deal simply coz they bribed. And Frontier Constructions, although the presentation trio tried their best in all aspects, sadly is no match to the bribery money.
It just shows the power of bribery - although this is never the legitimate way of doing things. For those have watched Fumo Chitai will deeply understand the consequence of this. Iki Tadashi, although has a glorious win in most of the furious business battlefields, it comes with a huge price to pay everytime. And part of this was due to the undertable deals that he has to turn to in attempt to win certain deal for example. I'm amazed at why he still hasn't been caught by some kind of investigator yet - oh of course, coz he's living in the novel world.
So Global Constructions may have won this time, but who knows later on police or some kind of investigators may lay their eyes on the deal and found out they won by bribery?
Interesting topic indeed and has alot of room for discussion. But I think I've talked enough, not sure about your opinion?
Anyway, so Kenichiro finally got together with Narumi and off they go to Algeria. There has been some minor incidents in Narumi trying to settle in with the neighbourhood, but she simply doesn't stand out....ever since she became a "nice" character. So there's not alot to comment here - she's fabulous up to EP8 or so, and then she returned normal XD
As for the Straight Guy, he has miraculously survived full 10 episodes of "Straight Test" and he survived. I wonder whether we'll be able to find someone as straight as he is in the real world, maybe after watching this drama? LOL.